Course Content:
Unit 1: Introduction to SAP HANA and Architecture
Introduction to SAP HANA Row v/s Column Store
What is In-memory Computing engine
Stratagy to adopt HANA DB as primary of side-car scenario HANA System Architecture - XSA Server and HDB with HDI Concept of Microservice based development
Unit 2:HANA Server access and Tools
Create your HANA Service with Data Lake in SAP Cloud Platform - Cloud Foundary How to obtain HANA Server access for Hands-on Exercises
Understanding Default HANA users like SYSTEM and XSA_ADMIN HANA System Cockpit
HANA DB Cockpit
Understand HANA XSA Cockpit and XSA_ADMIN Developer User On-boarding using admin user Understanding WebIDE development tool for SAP HANA
Unit 3: Introduction to JS and Node JS
Complementary JS sessions to understand Client Side JS Understanding JSON from scratch
Introduction to Node JS
Setup your dev. tools to practice Node JS and install Initialize Node JS application using npm init
NPM package manager
Understand core modules like fs, express Create your own server with API using Node JS Understand package.json file and dependencies
Unit 4: End to end Database module development
- DB Module with possibility to add classic objects (2 Hours)
HANA Schema Concept revealed and XSA HDI Understand the concept of technical user and schema owner Understand the HDI Container Concept
Create your first DB module in WebIDE and understand the project yml file Add hdbtable to understand old way of XSC table creation
Understand the DB explorer
Create .hdbview and concept of STRUCTURED PRIVILEDGE Create .hdbrole with structured priviledge
Understand the defaults concept for adding default_access_role New Database Explorer to check HDI and classic schemas
Working with git Repository
Understand what is GitHUB Create your account
Store your project with github with commit, push, pull concepts
DB Module creation with New CDS Concept
Create Tables, Types, Entities, and Views using HANA CDS Concept Understand reusable data types concept
Upload data into the DB table in HDI with .hdbtabledata Create roles to allow cross container access
Migration of DB table to new CDS way and benefits Introduction to EPM Data Model
Build Another db module with modularized content
*7 Types, 2 Structure Types, 6 Master Tables, 2 Transaction Tables Upload data to EPM model tables in the Context
Test the EPM content
Guidelines for Migration of HDBTABLE to HDBCDS
HANA CDS views - Concept of views with Association, Expression, and Functions
Cross Container Access
Upload demo schema sflight to HDI for practice
Create a new user and Role to allow access to SFLIGHT Create a user provided service, check service in service cockpit Create Synonym to access the schema in HDI
Perform .hdbgrants to technical user of HDI
Add HDI container of same project as dependency in mta.yml